Part 5 — It’s Coming Together Now!

*I made 2 new posts today so make sure you read “Part 4”.

So you’ve made your half-square triangles, and are ready for the next step, right? I know some of you are so I’ll go ahead and post what I’ve done next.  In fact, I’m still sewing these together.  I love seeing the fabric combos!

The pinwheel block is one of my very favorites. It’s easy and oh, so cute. These blocks will be the center focus of the quilt.

Step 1: Lay your half-square triangles in front of you as shown in photo:


Step 2: Take the fabric on the right of the photo and place it over the top of the fabrics on the left side of the photo. Simply put: your right sides of each fabric block are facing.


Step 3:  Using a 1/4 inch seam allowance, sew the first block set together along the right-hand side.  Repeat for the 2nd block set. (Red dashed-lines indicate where you are sewing.)


Step 4:  Open and press your seams with iron. Press on both sides of this new block.


Step 5: Right sides together, sew your top block to the bottom block.


Congratulations! You’ve now made a pinwheel block! It is so fun to see the colors come together. You’re going to love this part. Remember, practice makes ALMOST perfect. I’ve never made a PERFECT quilt but I love each one. Enjoy the process, learn from it, and have fun.

Keep sewing! I’ve got to sew the rest of my blocks over the next few days so we can move on. I have some ideas for what I want to add to it next, but I’ll let you know how those come as I get there. You may have some ideas, too!

Oh, and if you’d like to tell your friends about what you are doing and invite them to join in, here’s a button you could place on your blog, or other online areas. Link them back to the YCMT blog post so they know the steps and how to get started.


Joining in a little late? No problem! Here’s what you’ll want to do:

Part 1: How it all started and how many square to cut!
Part 2: How to make a half-square triangle
Part 3: Ironing your blocks

Part 4: How to square-up your half-square triangles


Filed under Make-It-Up-As-You-Go Quilt, YCMT Sew Along

25 responses to “Part 5 — It’s Coming Together Now!

  1. I want to join you, found this an hour ago and started to cut immediately. Sometimes I´m a bit crazy, but I can´t stop myself….
    It will be fun, you don´t always have to be so seriuos…..
    I will post about it later today on my blog and show my squares:

  2. SO pretty!! Should we do this with all of the blocks? Thanks, Jamie C

  3. My pinwheels should look interesting since I didn’t use any matching fabric… I used two charm packs… so my pinwheels are going to look interesting… HAHAHA


  4. Cindy C.

    Can we do any combination we want? Or should we use the two blocks that are the same, with 2 other blocks that are the same? I am way behind. I still need to make my triangle blocks. LOL

  5. This is SO fun! I never thought I’d make an actual quilt with anything other than big square blocks. I too am wondering how many of these pinwheel blocks to make. . . use all our squares or just some?

  6. i think use all your triangle blocks..


  7. Here is what I’m doing with my blocks…

    I used two charm packs of 32 squares.. When I made the triangle blocks I just put light and dark together… making the pinwheel I am getting all the matching all the dark fabric.. I should have 4 triangle blocks that have the same dark fabric… I then use those for the pinwheel not paying attention to match the light colored fabric..

    I hope that makes sense.

    I will post a picture on my blog… in a few minutes.


  8. ycmt

    Hi Jamie!
    Yes, do this technique with the rest of your half-square triangles. Have fun!!

  9. ycmt

    Hi Cindy!
    Yes, keep your pinwheel block to the same 2 fabrics. Each new block can have a different combination of 2 fabrics. Does that help?

    I’m excited to see what you’ll do!

  10. Kim, I just had to comment again, because I am so excited!! I am actually doing this and they look great!! I sew all the time, but have always been afraid to do a quilt, thank you so much for doing this!! Jamie C :o)

  11. Nancy

    Guess I will be really busy tomorrow playing catch up…to cold here in N IL to do anything else 🙂

  12. Something kind of bad happened to my half-square triangles, but it all worked out and I LOVE my pinwheels!

  13. Teresa Pomerantz

    I wasn’t going to join- I told myself- no, this time you need to just watch. But then I caught myself in the craft room digging through my stash. Okay, I give in- I will join the make a quilt athon.

  14. Misty

    I got quite excited with my rotary cutter and cut out waaaaay too many squares. I think I was expecting a bigger quilt (not that I’ve ever made one) and thought I’d need a bunch. Then I saw that we only need about 64. What size will this make, and if I decided to keep going with all my squares an make a bigger one…is there any special procedure to follow? Will I be able to figure out how to finish it if mine isn’t the same size, or should I stick with the game plan?

  15. Jen

    I’m caught up and blogged! (Can you tell my kids are not home today?)

  16. YEPPIE!!! I was able to square the triangle blocks last night and sew the pinwheels during the girls’ nap today!! YEPPIE!!! I am also caught up on my other quilt project but behind on the 3rd one.. and still need to sew the dolls up for the girls…

    I think they need to nap longer.. or the day needs to be longer… HAHAHAHAHA

    Can’t wait for the next step… which means I’ll have to get some more fabric…

    Oh yea.. I caught up (mostly) on my blog..


  17. I have been watching this transpire. I have tried to just watch as well, but I really want to make this quilt. I have way too many projects all of the time. This one sparks my interest. I sew but have never attempted a quilt. My grandmother quilts. She is very good. I would love to show her a quilt I made. She has always wanted someone to pick up her hobby. I hope I can pull this off. Now, it’s time to play catch up.

  18. Sazzie

    I am SO far behind – well infact not even started yet due to illness but can’t wait to start playing catch up – any idea how big the finished quilt will be?
    I have never made a quilt before so this is an ideal project for me – I can see that I will easily become addicted!

  19. Glenda

    Im anxiously awaiting the next step. I just finished my pinwheels this afternoon………YIPPY….

  20. My 6 year-old helped put together the pinwheels. I took the scrappy idea literally and used old pillowcases, vintage fabrics and a few scraps…wishing i would have coordinated the colors better, but it’s been fun so far.

    You ladies have done a fabulous job on your pinwheels! It’s fun to peep at your blogs to see them:)

  21. Cindy

    Okay…I have caught up!! Yeah! My blocks are not perfect, but not bad for the first time. Sometimes not perfect is PERFECT!!!
    I will keep my eye out for the next step!

  22. Kelli

    Alright, I’m a little behind, but so excited because I’ve been wanting to make a pinwheel quilt, but was a little afraid of actually starting! Yea! I’ve got a mission now to get all my squares sewn up!

  23. ok I finally got my pinwheels together with a little help from the kids and hubby 🙂 i put some photos on my blog..

  24. at last, finished the triangles, blogged abt it.. did not square the triangles, just cut off the seam allowances that stuck out and went straight to making pinwheels. hey, its a scrappy quilt!

    one question, the bulk in the middle of the you leave that as it is?

  25. jenny

    I just made my first pinwheel! Like the commenter above, I wonder, how do I iron the bump in the middle flat?

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