YCMT is now 1 year old!

Time sure does fly! It’s hard to believe that 1 year has passed. It was July 5, 2006 when we first launched the site. Like now, it had been “months in the making” but very few knew about it. We launched with a handful of authors and categories. What a difference a year makes. Now hundreds of women have become authors, having a creative outlet to earn a little extra for their home and families. 90% of them had never created an eBook…maybe some had never even heard of one. They took an area of expertise that they had and shared it. Many more women are now creating beautiful items for their own homes and families.  You may be one of those women. You may have looked at something and thought, “If only I could sew…”, “That is so cute, but there’s no way I could make that….”, “I wish that I could….”  And now you can.

It has been a thrill to see what you’ve made, what you can now do, to hear about the sense of satisfaction you receive from making something yourself. I love seeing the pictures and hearing your stories. That was the vision of what I wanted the site to be and I can’t thank you enough for being a part of it!

Countless hours need to be credited towards our awesome “team of testers” who voluntarily make items not knowing beforehand if the directions will “work out”, if the instructions are clear enough, if the measurements are correct. I appreciate every one of them. There is an entire process that now takes place before an eBook is listed, a standards list that needs to be met, and more. Thank you to my team of testers for helping us provide the best eBooks possible.

Now, for the “BIG REVEAL”. I promise that I’m not trying to “drag this out”. 🙂 As with anything that is being “built” (a new house, etc.) unexpected things come up, processes need to be worked through, changes need to be made, and all of it is so that the site is the best that it can be. We really are “so close” and if it could have been done a month ago. I would have been thrilled. 🙂 But, it all will be done soon, and I am so excited to share with you what we’ve been up to.

Here’s a few more “sneak peeks” just for fun!

And because it’s our 1 year birthday, let’s have some fun! There’s a few prizes I’ll be giving away. You can win some money by being the first to answer  either of these 2 questions  correctly and posting it here to the blog: (you can only win once)

1 – To win $10 cash in your paypal account, who was the first author on the site to create a TWIRL SKIRT eBook?
2 – To win $10 cash in your paypal account, who was the first author on the site to sell APPLIQUE PATTERNS?

Want to win $50 cash? – Post to this blog and tell us why you have loved YCMT this year! All posts about this will be put into a drawing for $50…all to buy something for YOU! 🙂 I will draw 2 lucky winners! And when is the deadline for posting? Well, on the 7th, of course! It’s a lucky day…07/07/07. So post before midnight on the 7th and winners will be announced after that.

Without our awesome customers like you, and our incredible authors, this site wouldn’t be possible. I sincerely thank you for your support. Happy Birthday YCMT!
-Kim 🙂


Filed under Fun News!

141 responses to “YCMT is now 1 year old!

  1. Lori

    I am guessing Kimberbell on the first to sell applique patterns.

  2. I LOVE YCMT for all the inspiration and instruction. I look at all the beautiful things, and think, I could NEVER make that, but YCMT gives me the oomph to give it a try! 🙂

  3. theresa

    I just wanted to post a congrats on the success of YCMT! I have been buying from the site for 8 months now and I cannot convey how impressed I am with the service and products I receive! So Happy 1st Birthday and here’s wishing you many more!

  4. Jamie Hoenshel

    Pouty Princess was the first twirl skirt author!

  5. Felicia

    Pouty Princess was the first author to post a twril skirt E-book, I think!!! I love your site as always, Kim, and I am anxiously awaiting the “BIG REVEAL”!!!!


  6. deb

    What fun! I wish I knew the answers to those trivia questions.. what a fun giveaway. I’ve loved getting your mailings and seeing the pattern and then seeing how two people can make the patterns look so different and still completely adorable. 🙂 Keep up the great work! Happy Anniversary!

  7. Felicia

    Kimberbell Kids was the first applique author, If I remember correctly!!!!! Thanks for the fun, Kim!!!


  8. 1 – Pouty Princess
    2 – Kimberbell – YOU?

  9. Jamie Hoenshel

    First appliqué was Kimberbell Kids~

  10. Kim I think you were the first to post an applique pattern weren’t you?

  11. Naomi

    The first for twirl skirts was Pouty Princess

  12. Felicia

    I have loved YCMT this year for loads of reasons!! I love the variety in the E-books that are sold, and I MOSTLY love the “after-the sale” assistance that is provided by both Kim and the authors of the E-books!! You could not have thought of a better idea, than YCMT.COM!!!!


  13. first twirl skirt was poutyprincess
    first applique was kimberbellkids

    my favorite part about YCMT this year was becoming one of the AUTHORS!!!!!

  14. Pouty Princess for the Twirl Skirt and Kimberbell Kids for the appliques.
    I LOVE YCMT this is such a great site!
    Melissa at http://www.ZellyBellyBoutique.com

  15. Sheri

    Just wanted to say that I can’t wait for the big reveal and love making all the fun stuff from here. 🙂 I really can do it! I can’t “read” paper patterns so this is so nice to be able to sew for my girls.

  16. Lori

    1.Pouty Princess
    2. kimberbell kids

    The sites patterns make me feel like I can do anything! It is very inspiring!
    lori, Phoenix

  17. Pat

    I think debbie from cutiepattotiez was the first twil skirt pattern

  18. Question #1 Carla C Dolly Designs

    Question #2 Kimberbell Kids

  19. Shaunee

    1. Pouty Princess
    2. Kimberbell

    I LOVE YCMT. I have recommended your site to so many friends and people that I do not even know. I am so excited to see the site grow. I have bought several of the patterns and look forward to purchasing many more. I can not believe how much this site has grown in just a year!! I remember when there were only a small section of items for sale and now you can stay on the site for hours looking at everything!! GREAT JOB!! Keep up the good work!

  20. Pat

    kimberbell was the first.

  21. Liz

    Congrats on the birthday! Wishing you and YCMT many more!!!

  22. Jenny

    Love this site!! I have cruised ebay for hours on end looking at all the beautiful boutique things and thinking I could never do that. But your site makes it easy!!! Thanks for everything. I’m anxiously awaiting the new things in the works. Happy Birthday!

  23. I love YCMT because it was the sight that finally gave me the push and encouragement to sew clothes for my daughter! I always had wanted to I just didnt think I had the abilities. Thanks to the great PDFs with the best tutorials around I was able to get pass my fears and create my daughter a great one of a kind wardrobe! Keep up all of the great work and Happy Birthday! Congrats on all of your success. Heres to many many more years.

  24. I didn’t know the trivia answers, but I did want to tell you that I have really enjoyed YCMT. As both a seller and a buyer.

    You really have found something amazing here, and I wish you continued success!

  25. The first twirl skirt author was Jenifer of Pouty Princess and the first applique book was sold by Kim (Kimberbell)!

    Kim, the reason I love YCMT so much is because you have empowered women everywhere! You not only empowered us to make cute things for our familys but also, you have empowered those of us who wanted to work from home to write books for your site! I happen to “know” you from before so I know what a wonderful person and friend you are. You are one of the sweetest people I know and your work ethics are amazing, not to mention your integrity. Leave it to you to think up something that helps so many more people than yourself! I guess in short, the reason I love YCMT so much is because it is ran by YOU 🙂


  26. the first word that pops into my head about YCMT site is INSPIRATIONAL!! I come to this site and say Wow, I can make that!! Looking forward to the new additions and the new look!!

  27. Kristina

    Looks like the questions have already been answered and I just got the email about this :~(. Oh well…

    I love this website because the projects are unique and full of fun. I love to create for little ones and there is always something great here. Thanks and good luck with the new launch.

  28. I was thinking the first twirl skirt was by Cutiepatootiez….Oh well! I LOVE LOVE LOVE this site!!!!!

  29. Pat

    Although I have only purchased a few things and made them up, I love the looks of the completed entries. This site makes sewing so much fun, and not quite so boring like following a store bought pattern. I love referring my friends to this site and I do know they have purchased a ton of patterns. Great choices of patterns, lots of variety.

  30. Debbie KW

    I love this website because I can learn how to make all of the cute boutique items for my daughter. Plus customer service is always great. I can’t wait for the videos!
    Debbie KW

  31. Annie

    oh… where do I even begin!

    Happy Birthday!

    I love YCMT for such a wonderful idea that should have been put on long time ago! I can’t believe YCMT is only 1 years old! I discovered this site during it’s infantcy!

    I love the ebooks, the support, and both Kim and Kris are such sweeties! Can’t wait to see the big revel, I know it will be fantastic and great for the customers.

    Keep up the fabulous work!

  32. Jerilyn

    I have been frustrated finding cute and unique clothing patterns for my children so when I found YCMT, it was a breath of fresh air in the sewing world. Thanks for all the great e-books.

  33. Tina

    I LOVE YCMT. I have created numerous outfits and acessories for my little girl AND boy. All of the authors are so creative and make the instructions very easy to understand and follow along. THANKS!!
    Tina in AL

  34. Shari

    First Twirl Skit- Pouty Princess

    First Applique- Kimberbell

    I just love getting emails with announcements of new patterns so excting to see whats new, just love your site and on my toes to see what the big reveal is!!

  35. first twirl skirt was poutyprincess
    first applique was kimberbellkids

    I admire this website because it empowers artists. It is another source of income for boutique designers, and it allows non-designers the opportunity to learn something new, have fun, and create something beautiful.

    Happy Birthday, YCMT 🙂


  36. I have loved YCMT because I have been able to create so many beautiful things for my little sweetheart Chloe. We get comments on her clothes everywhere we go….my husband just rolls his eyes, but I love it! My favorite was spotting another mom in Disneyland with a daughter in a darling twirl skirt. Chloe had on the goucho pants and an appliqued top, and as we checked out each others kid’s outfits from across several rows in the line, we realized that we are YCMT sisters! LOL! It was so nice to run into another “real life” mom with my same obsession 🙂 Thanks YCMT for giving me a creative outlet 🙂

  37. Jodie

    Hi Kim,
    I have no idea about the author of the first twirl skirt, however I think Kimberbell was the first applique author.

    YCMT has been a fantastic inspiration to me. I encourage everyone I know to go there and take a look around. I am so glad for your gutsy ambition to go forward with a great idea and watch it grow into this fabulous website. How great it must feel to know that your “little idea” has inspired and motivated so many people to go for it and have fun!! I cannot wait to see the Great Reveal!!!

    Have a great day!!


  38. Dawna

    I love YCMT!!! I’ve suggested to many folks who say, “I can’t possibly do that” to come take a look here! I’m looking forward to the following year to see what else will be offered! 😀 Thanks so much for having such a wonderful brainstorm and bringing this site to light!


  39. Karen

    Congrats on a whole year! I LOVE your site! I’ve become addicted, so I constantly have a running list going of patterns I want to buy “next”! Can’t wait to see what else you have in sore for us – YCMT TV looks great!

    Thanks for all you do!

  40. I have enjoyed YCMT this year because it unlocked a new world of creativity for me. I have loved the boutique and custom world ever since I discovered it but it often times seemed unattainable. But, when YCMT was born it brough the boutique world right to my fingertips. When I get an ebook and get the secrets to these great designs then your creative juices start to flow and you can put your own artisitic stamp on these fabulous designs. I know that a year ago my sewing machine sat unused and this year I have been burning it up making incredible custom pieces for my daughter and myself. It has been amazing to realize what I am capable of just by purchasing these ebooks and their fabulous instructions. Happy First Birthday, YCMT!

  41. 1. Pouty Princess
    2. I am not sure if you are including yourself since you are the owner or if you want the name of an outside author. So I am saying…
    creative outlet (Megan)

    I love this site because there is a ton of great patterns to buy but mostly because the authors are willing to share them with everyone. I love the affiliate program because it gives us a chance to make a little extra cash just for having a link on our site 🙂 I also love the wide range of patterns (there is something for everyone). Well, I guess I should just say that I love everything about YCMT 🙂

  42. Des

    1- Pouty Princess
    2- Kimberbell

    Kim, I LOVE that you have such vision for this amazing site!! I ABSOLUTELY love YCMT! I always enjoy checking out the site and seeing whats new. You have brought Ebooks to a whole new level of class and ease. I can not say enough about your site and I can tell you that I am always telling friends and people I meet about your AWESOME site. Thanks soooooo much for creating this for all of us.

  43. Lisa

    I would say Pouty Princess for the twirl skirt and Kimberbell Kids for the Appplique patterns 🙂

  44. Suzanne

    I LOVE YCMT! Wonderful ideas from so many creative people. Keep them coming!!!

  45. Jill

    1–pouty princess
    2–kimberbell kids

  46. Heather

    I love YCMT. It is so much easier to wok a pattern from the pictures and directions shown than a paper pattern from the store. I finally decided to try working with knits after buying 2 of your ebooks and you know what..I CAN do it!

  47. I have *loved* ycmt this year … mostly for INSPIRATION!!! LOVE IT!!!

  48. Tanaya

    I found out about YCMT through a boutique group. I clicked on the link and got so excited that I couldn’t concentrate at work! I perused the site and found soooo many things I wanted to make and learn that paper patterns and books couldn’t help me with! This site is awesome for those who are visual and learn best by seeing real pictures and not just black and white illustration! The customer service is great too! How many site owners will email back and forth with you until any issue is solved? Kim does! YCMT started my Ebook addiction and I recommend this site highly! Happy B-Day YCMT!!!! I look forward to more ways to spend my money here! LOL!


  49. Tabitha

    1 — The first thing I “needed” to buy from YCMT was that stripwork twirl skirt by pouty princess


    2 — what led me to YCMT to begin with, was your/Kimberbell Kids applique name pillows.

    I’ve very much enjoyed your site and haven’t met an e-book that I haven’t liked yet! Thank you!

  50. 1 pouty princess
    2 kimberbell kids

    I love YCMT. I am an experienced sew-er and when there are things I want to make, but just can’t figure it out, I always turn to YCMT. Thanks for the great stuff you offer!

  51. 1. Pouty Princess
    2. Kimberbell

  52. Johnett

    First Twirl Skirt-Bella Marie Boutique

    First applique-Creative*Outlet

  53. Kristina

    I LOVE this site – I had been looking to make twirl skirts for my daughter and it seemed like everywhere I looked the instructions were too complicated or didn’t have pictures (I am SO visual!) you’re site had it all! And they were affordable! THANKS!

  54. Terri

    I was also thinking that Kimberbell was the first but I’m trying to remember when this site came out…I was there…I remember getting the announcement and stuff…hmmmm..yeah..I’m going with Kimberbell…I have her fourth of july stuff from last year.

  55. I’ve always been creative and was beyond thrilled the day I discovered YCMT!!! I’ve made a bunch of the e-book projects and will continue to use the wonderful patterns your talented authors put out!!

  56. I have purchased a few sewing pattern ebooks. I have 3 young girls and I had always wished that I could just sew them something as easily as I could crochet them something. I once tried to sew them something using a store purchased pattern and I gave up as quickly as I tried. It was frustrating and I didnt know what I was doing. As soon as I purchased an ebook on YCMT.com, I made my very first skirt for my youngest daughter! The ebook was so easy to follow, with all the pictures and step by step instructions. I now feel like I CAN sew clothing for my children – and it’s all thanks to YCMT.com!

  57. Do you have all day for me to tell you how much I LOVE your site? I feel like a real seamstress now and I’ve saved so much money and myself so much anguish when I couldn’t afford all the fab e-bay fashions and now make them on my own! LOVE YOUR SITE!!!

  58. Terri

    Now, to say how much I love this site…MORE THAN I CAN POSSIBLY COMMUNICATE WITH A KEYBOARD!!! I have created some really cute stuff from this site in just one years time…skirts, shirts, cuffs, aprons, bags, and usually in one than one version!!!! Yea I have loved this site.

  59. The first twirl skirt was pouty princess
    The first applique pattern was Kimberbell kids


  60. I LOVE YCMT because I have purchased some awesome ebook instructions and easily and quickly learned techniques I never knew how to do before. I learned how to applique from YCMT, made the most adorable christmas twirl skirt, and many other things for my children! I look forward to your newsletter and all the new ebooks & authors! 🙂


  61. 1. Pouty Princess
    2. Kimberbell

    Kim, as an author and buyer, I love your site so much. It is addicting, you know!! 😉 I admire you so much, you have a good thing going!! 🙂

    Vanessa @ http://www.littleangelsboutique.net

  62. Cheryl

    Pouty Princess and Kimberbell would be my guess!! I LOVE YCMT~~Thanks so much!!!

  63. I think this is one of the best put together sites and ideas that I have ever seen. I love trying out the new ideas and just can’t wait to one day have my own great idea and have an ebook on YCMT!!! I really feel like I have accomplished something special when I use one of the ebooks. I wish you all much success!!!

  64. Pam Thompson

    The first twirl skirt I bought was from Pouty Princess and the applique book was from Kimberbell…

    I love this website. I’ve started sewing for my girls and am loving it! Thanks so much.

  65. Julie

    1 – Pouty Princess
    2 – Kimberbell Kids

    I enjoy YCMT because there are so many different things you can learn from the ebooks. It’s always a fun site to browse through. 🙂

  66. Renee

    I love seeing what people have actually made it inspires me. I can do that too! I love to see what the tester outfit looks like with out all the prettyness and props. Your site is so creative!

  67. Cheryl

    What I have loved this past year is that you have helped me tap into my inner creativity and shown me that I can(as a true beginner)make beautiful items that I never thought I would be able to make on my own without hands-on classroom training..Thanks so much!! You have also inspired me to open my own WAHM business!! Thanks!!

  68. 1 Pouty Princess
    2 Kimberbell kids

    I love LOVE YCMT! I just recently purchased my first few ebooks on here to make an outfit for my daughter to wear to her very FIRST concert THIS Saturday. We got VIP all access passes from Ashley from The Audio Club to meet her and the rest of The Audio Club, Bone Thugs N Harmony, Chris Brown, and Paula De Anda! My outfit came out absolutely INCREDIBLE! I emailed Ash pics of it and she LOVES it! My daughter is only 19 months old. She’ll be a showstopper for SURE in her corset and ruffle gauchos! Thanks for providing these instructions for all these CUTE items! Without it, we’d be lost for this weekend lol I can’t possibly afford the cute outfits for a couple hundred on ebay for my daughter. My boys would feel left out. I’ve learned Im a LOT more creative than I thought and thanks to these books, my dreams are a reality now! I can make the adorable items on ebay and not spend a fortune… and I learned to sew in the process! Thanks again for such a wonderful website! I can’t wait to see what’s in store and Happy 1st Birthday YCMT!!!!

  69. Lindsey-Painting_Dreams

    The reason I love the site so much is that it is a resource where you take away that element of competition and allow something so much more practical to enter in. Friendship and the sharing of design. Someone who doesn’t know how to do a certain thing that they wish they could make for their children is now available to them. I know from experience that seeing things on ebay and knowing that at that moment I couldn’t afford it, nor did I know how to make it, I was disappointed. I couldn’t get it for my dd. But now, with this amazing concept you have openned up a whole new avenue for mothers, grandmas, etc to create something gorgeous, unique and breathtaking for thier special someones. SO THANK YOU for this great site and for the opportunity to learn what we don’t know and share what we do. I am so excited about the reveal and wish you much success in the next year to come.


  70. christy hughes

    Pouty Princess had the first twirl skirt pattern and KimberBell had the first applique:0)

    I love YCMT!! I have bought several patterns over the last year and each one has been wonderful. I love that the patterns are tested and pictures posted. It lets a novice like me feel like a pro. The “I made this” section is alot of fun and I can’t wait for the BIG reveal!


  71. Angie

    I bought both of those books way back when. I STILL use them. Kimberbell had the applique instructions and patterns first. Pouty Princess had the skirt!! I did that backwards…oops. Anyway congratulations and I really appreciate all of the hard work to bring all the books to life!!


  72. evelyn

    I know this is how I ended up on this site it was 1. Pouty Princess.
    2. It’s kimberbell for appliques.

  73. I love YCMT because it finally gave me a resource to make all of the darling things I see in boutiques and I think, “I can make that!!”, but now I don’t have to spend hours figuring out the pattern, directions, etc. This is a godsend to me as I will be a stay at home mommy for a while starting in August and I have TONS of things I can’t wait to make! Thank you for enriching my creative life!! 🙂 JB

  74. I am going to guess and say Pouty Princess was the twirl skirt and Kimberbell was the applique.

  75. I Love YCMT for so many reasons!! I am so visual, so I love the ebooks that have pictures, it makes things so much easier to understand. I also love the tips in the books that really come in handy on all kinds of projects. I also learn new techniques. I love the “I Made This” section. I just love seeing what other talented women are doing.

    I can’t wait for the big reveal!!

  76. Oh, and

    1: Pouty Princess
    2: Kimberbell


  77. Sarah

    I’ve loved YCMT this year because it has allowed me to make so many cute things for my 3 girls. I think my all time favorite pattern has been the strip work twirl skirt from Pouty Princess. I have made several and they are sooooo cute. I can’t wait to see the big reveal.

  78. I have LOVED YCMT because I am a real “do-it-myself” kind of girl, but I am a very visual person so I need good instructions!!! I love seeing what’s new and looking at all the gorgeous pictures. What an inspiration! I have had such great experiences with the ebooks I’ve purchased, and have even gotten to know some of the authors because of it. I really can’t say enough about YCMT – love it!!!


  79. Tammy

    Where do I begin, first Happy Birthday!! I just discovered YCMT just this year. I love it and it is addicting!!
    I am also checking for new e-books!! I can’t wait for the big reveal!! I think my favorite category is the doll clothes. I have 2 daughters who have AG dolls, and they love the boutique doll clothes.
    Anyway, I love this site and hope to see it on the web for many more years!!
    Thank you

  80. Melissa Woodard

    I just recently found YCMT, and I have really enjoyed all the great projects on this site. I have loved everyone of the patterns that I have purchased, and I think that the site is very inspiring. I have also enjoyed being able to share my love for crafts with my niece because the patterns are so easy she even understands them! Thanks so much for a great site and for all the authors who are willing to share their ideas and inspire others!

  81. I think the website is amazing. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve looked at the fabulous designs out there, knowing I could never afford them, but figured if I had a little help I could make them myself. And I KNOW I’m not the only one that’s done that. YCMT has made boutique clothing available to everyone with a bit of DIY in them. Besides giving another opportunity for at-home moms to earn a bit of income. THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU!

  82. Becky S.

    The twirl skirt I think is Pouty Princess and the applique has to be Kimberbell kids!

  83. Liz F.

    I believe that the first twirl skirt pattern was Pouty Princess and the first applique was Kimberbell Kids.

  84. Liz F.

    I LOVE YCMT because it has given me so much confidence in myself. All of the e-books I have purchased have been 100% wonderful! I am a very visual learner and all of the great pictures really help to explain the instructions. I also love that I am helping to support work at home moms!

  85. 1. Pouty Princess
    2. Kimberbell Kids

    I love YCMT because it offers a great selection of crafting patterns and how-tos that I can access in my jammies.

  86. Cricket

    I just want to thank you for such a wonderful site. Here is why I love YCMT: I adore the creative process but with 3 children under 4 I barely get any time to myself. Before I found your site, I would try to create things on the fly (in my only 30 minutes) and wind up more frustrated than when I started. With your ebooks, I can get things right the first time and feel that sense of satisfaction again! Creating things is such an outlet for me and your site has given that back to me. THANK YOU!

  87. Carla

    I could just go on and on about youcanmakethis.com! I love getting my instructions right from the expert authors! I always learn a tremendous amount from the ebooks I purchase here – things I couldn’t just “find online,” and things I definitley wouldn’t figure out on my own in a million years!

    Way to go Kim and the YCMT crew!!! Happy 1st Birthday!!!

  88. vicky dereign

    I just discovered YCMT a month or so ago, but I have been making things for my 2 granddaughters. They love their new clothing. It is so much fun.

  89. Lorian Rivers

    Love the great prices on the ebooks…and the different types of styles and teaching. You can buy several books on the same subject, but get a new tip, or pic or idea, from each one!


  90. Aymee Thomas

    YCMT has shown me, a first time sewer, that i can make anything that I can buy out there. I cant afford all those pricey gymboree clothes for my lil’ girl (2) and my lil’ boy (3) and I always thought that set me apart from the “RICH” people, but you know what with the confidence your site has given me I am able to make my lil’ prince and princess the envy of every mom we pass!! thank you so much for helping me hold my head up high and that lil’ pat on the back that I needed!! Much love, ~Mom of 3 sweets~

  91. Amy

    I think Kim Kimberbell kids was the first applique e-book.

    What I have loved about this site is the fact that the patterns are EASY to follow. I made my daughter a pair of Hallowe’en overalls, which got RAVE reviews from everyone we met – and I don’t even really know how to sew! It made me feel great to make something so special for my daughter 🙂

  92. Renae W

    Happy 1st birthday YCMT! I can’t begin to tell you how much I love this website. I have learned so much from this site. I look at it each week to see if there is something new. I have loved every ebook. I can’t wait for the new ones! I’m thrilled how well you are doing. I hope you have an even more successful 2nd year!


  93. Vicki

    The thing I love most about YCMT is the authors. It sounds simple, but the authors taking the time to put together these books and share their knowledge is fabulous. I love the sense of community that comes along with the world of boutique clothing/accessories. While some get caught up in the notion that they don’t want to teach their competitors, these authors encourage others to step out and make something. I have bought a couple eBooks that have helped me take my designing/skills to the next level. That is what I like most. 🙂

    Happy Birthday, YCMT.com!!

  94. Happy Birthday Kim & Co.!
    I was thrilled to discover YCMT a few months ago.
    The first thing that struck me was how fun and professional the design of the site was, but I quickly found that it’s real beauty was much deeper.
    I’ve created children’s boutique on eBay myself and I was so impressed by the generosity of all the designers who shared their talent and techniques. Buying a beautiful custom outfit for your sweetie is fun but nothing compares to the joy of seeing them looking stunning in something you’ve created yourself. I just love reading the comments, you can “hear” the excitement and pride these mommies feel!
    There are so many books on things that I’ve always wanted to learn but haven’t mastered yet. I can not wait to buy more!
    Congratulations on your well-deserved success. 🙂

  95. Karen H

    congratulations to you on your first year! I love your site and I’m looking forward to the new site and videos!

  96. Carol

    Congratulations on YCMT I was probably one of the first customers to the saite I love it I would say Kimberall Kids was the 1st to sell appliques and Pouty Princess had the first twirl skirts. These are the first pattern I bought too 🙂 Once again congratulations and anxiously awaiting all to come

  97. Lianne C.

    My mom and I have spent so much time crafting from the books I’ve gotten from YCMT.com! What a great time we’ve had together!!!
    Keep up the creative ideas , Girls!
    Thanks so much!!!

  98. Cory

    Love YCMT.. I go often. Thank you so much for making it.
    Love it love it.

  99. I am so addicted to this site! Happy Birthday!
    Pouty Princess(twirl skirt)
    Kimberbell Kids (applique)

    Keep it up!


  100. Sheila

    First Twirl skirt – pouty princess
    First Applique – kimberbell

    I love YCMT because of the insights into how to do the terrific boutique design. What a great way to get inspired, and I love sending people who see my kids outfits to YCMT to show them EASY ways to make great attention getting outfits without breaking the bank – by making it themselves!

    Thanks for a great first year and looking forward to many many more!!

  101. Mary Pat Henderson

    Oh WOW….This is just tooo much fun!

    1. Pouty Princess is the first Twirl Skirt
    2. Kimberbell Kids is the first Applique

    This is a fantastic site..Everyone is so talented and I can hardly wait to see all the great ideas. This is just the BEST!! Happy Happy Birthday and I look forward to more

  102. I have just loved your site! The books there are so easy and produce the best products. I had been trying for months to figure out hairbows, after the book I got one done in less than an hour! The layered twirl skirt was also a great help. Even though I know how to do one the different style the book gave was well worth it. Thanks, can’t wait to see the changes.


  103. Sara

    I love you site! Congrats and we can’t wait for the big reveal!

    first twirl skirt was poutyprincess
    first applique was kimberbellkids


  104. Dulcie

    I love YCMT because I just recently started sewing *JAN 07* and I have learned so much and created so many knock em dead outfits from all of the great patterns from here!! I am in love with YCMT and have only one store bought pattern!! YCMT ROCKS!!

  105. Tiffany

    I LOVE your site!! Happy Birthday!!

  106. juls

    What a wonderful way to empower women to make and create! Thank you for sharing your time and talent with all of us!


  107. I have enjoyed the “Boutique” style to the patterns. So different from what you find in “regular” patterns. 🙂 Much more my style. Thanks!!!

  108. Pouty Princess was the first Twirl Skirt ebook and Kimberbell Kids was the first Applique ebook!

  109. Wendy Hillman

    What I have loved most about YCMT this year is the variety of projects available and the personal help that you receive. It’s nice to know that Kim checks each order and emails you herself, not just some computer or a tech in another country. I can’t wait to see what is coming with “The Big Reveal”!!! Happy Birthday and thanks for starting this wonderful addiction! LOL


  110. Rachel

    Kim and staff,
    Happy Birthday!!!! Thank you all so much for such a wonderful first year with youcanmakethis. This site provides such a wonderful way for women to have a creative outlet! It has grown so much this first year. I can only imagine what the future holds.


  111. Denise

    Congrats! I just love your site! I think I have about half of the ebooks so far! Can’t wait for some new ones!! Really looking forward to the new site!!!

  112. oklandca

    I’m going with Bella Marie Boutique and Kimberbell Kids. It’s only been a year? What I love is you really can do this. Just today I was looking through an old pic file on my computer of custom’s I wished I could buy or make at the time and thinking at the time I couldn’t sew or afford them! Now I am makig them AND selling them! Oh, and my dd loves it because I can make as many “puppy clothes” as she wants! LOL.

  113. Julie

    OOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Amazing! This site has literally changed my life! I love to sew but I hate patterns. I am literally too unfocused to cut out the flimsy tissue paper etc. It was my hearts desire to make sweet outfits for my girls, but I was just making them oodles of blankets intstead. I came across this site and for the first time realized that I can make them ADORABLE clothes without the fussy patterns. Now we all get attacked everywhere we go by adoring fans. I tell everyone I know that they can do it too with the fun e-books on this site!
    Many many many thanks!

  114. Christina


    I believe it was pouty princess for the twirl skirts and you (kimberbell kids) for the applique.

    I love this site. The designs here and the ebooks I have purchased have really inspired my creativity. Thanks for making these adorable designs available and affordable.


  115. Lacy N.

    I *think* it was
    1. Pouty Princess
    2. Kimberbell Kids

    And why I love YCMT… I have a tough time with patterns. I can sew relatively well enough but when I try and sew from a store bought pattern there are too many things missing, too much information I dont know. But when I buy a pattern or ebook from YCMT I get all sorts of information, including tips and tricks as well as detailed explainations for all of the items I’m making. And I feel like I’m making something special and one of a kind instead of something that is so cookie cutter and everyone has.

  116. Nicole

    Hi Kim!
    I think YCMT is such an awesome resource! I have many ebooks and am always looking for more. Being a visual person having the picture back up on the steps just is so helpful. I am very excited about the big reveal! Thanks so much!

    My answers are
    Kimberbell Kids and The Pouty Princess.
    Thanks again!

  117. Marchall

    I will also say Pouty Princess for the first twirl skirt and Kimberbell kids for the applique.

    I have enjoyed just coming to this site to see the creativity of women of all walks of life! I get ideas when I get stuck sometimes and I have loved the ebooks I have purchased. I can relax, drink a glass of sweet tea and view this site when I need to take a break from my sewing projects. I can’t wait until the big reveal is unveiled! Yep, you have all of us salivating with the teasers!! Happy Birthday YCMT

  118. First twirl book: Pouty Princess
    First applique: Kimberbell

    What I love about YCMT is that women who have never sewn, made crafts or been a designer, can come here and get their “degree”. YCMT ebooks are well designed and easy to follow. I was a beginner when I came here and now I sew with great confidence. Thank you for starting a great site!

  119. Leslie B

    I love the neat ideas and wonderful patterns!

  120. MelissaB

    What I love about YCMT is that they are unique items – not the run of the mill things that you find in the local fabric/craft stores. Plus everything is so stinkin’ cute you’re bound to get compliments all around. And even better is all the directions are given to you step-by-step so you can’t go wrong – what a great concept (why didn’t I think of it?? LOL).

    I think Kimberbell Kids was the first applique ebook and I’m pretty sure Pouty Princess was the first twirl skirt

  121. tiffany

    the first twirl skirt was pouty princess and the first applique was kimberbell kids.
    i kove ycmt because before i found this site i had never really made anthing in my life and with these instructions i can they are all written very well, very detailed, and good pictures. so happy 1st birthday ycmt

  122. Laura W.

    I LOVE YCMT and have turned so many people on to your site. Every time someone sees my little girl with a cute botique bow, a fancy twirl skit or a sassy applique I say, “You can make this!” Thank you for all you do and for being such an inspiration. Happy B-Day!

  123. Shannon O.

    Happy Birthday YCMT!

    Well Kim I just can’t tell you how much I love YCMT! I was thrilled when I found the site and love that the patterns have pictures for visual aids, for me that really helps. I have thoroughly enjoyed digging out my sewing machine, dusting it off and getting back into sewing. :o)

    I love being able to make outfits for my daugther and even some items for my 2 sons. Not to mention the gifts I’ve given! I get loads of inspiration from seeing what the other ladies have made using the e-books and love the “I Made This!” section of the site! It’s great!

    Keep up the fabulous work and I can’t wait for the Big Reveal. :o)

  124. buffey h

    Im guessing Pouty Princess as the first twirl and kimberbell as the applique because it was the first one i bought and got the free kimberbell with it.!!

  125. I love this site. I wont even buy “paper” patterns anymore. If I cant find them here, then I guess I dont need to make it! This site has helped me make all my dreams come true of opening a boutique and staying at home with my kids! Thank You so MUCH! Happy Birthday and cant wait for all the new stuff…I own every ebook here! Need to sell more stuff so I have my pay pal built up to buy more!!

    My guesses for teh contest are:
    1. Pouty Princess-skirt
    2. Kimberell Kids-applique


  126. buffey h

    I love this site because I can shop at HOME and find all the exquisite patterns from even my favorite ebay designers, download and BAM!!- Im on the road to making it myself with the added support that comes with it.You can’t find that at Walmart!!Happy Birthday YCMT!!

  127. Sherrie


    I was thinking BellaMarie for the skirt
    now the applique may be a trick question…
    either Megan of Creative Outlet or of course you!


  128. Amy

    I absolutely love this website! The talent that is represented at YCMT is unbelievable! Such an awesome piece of work you guys have done here at YCMT!! I’m so glad that I am able to be apart of it by being a tester!!!

    Thanks for all of your hard work and Happy Birthday!!

  129. Camille

    I am so glad I found this site! What a super resource – looking forward to seeing what’s to come. First twirl skirt was Pouty Princess, first applique patterns were Kimberbell Kids, I think.

  130. Alicia Chesebro

    I absolutely love You Can Make This.com ! I am so ‘WOW’ed’ by all of the beautiful designs that these talented women have come up with. After checking out your site, it always gives me the creativity and drive to make something of my own. Thank you!

  131. Mary

    Congratulations on your 1st milestone! I really appreciate the variety of e-books available and hope that you’ll keep adding to your listings. I look forward to your updates and always read every word (they’re so encouraging). Kim, here’s a huge thank you from the many women who have found YCMT! You provide a wonderful service.

    Poutyprincess did the first twirl skirt
    Kimberbellkids did the first applique

  132. Bethany

    1. Pouty Princess
    2. YOU! Kimberbell Kids!

    One of my favorite things I love about YCMT is the wide variety of patterns. There are so many different things offered on the site. I love that I get my purchase immediately!


  133. jennifer

    Kimberbell was the first for applique patterns- I just absolutely love this site! Thanks so much for doing it- I look forward to the updates all the time!

  134. April

    I am so looking forward to the true reveal – enough of these teasers!!! Thank you for all of your hard work in helping to bring out the creative genius in all of us.

  135. Amy

    I love to figure out how to make something I can’t afford to buy myself so this website has been the perfect place for me! I love it! The directions are always great!

    1. Pouty Princess
    2. Kimberell Kids

  136. What’s not to LOVE about YCMT?! From the ever-growing list of fabulous ebooks, to the fun interface, to Kim the amazing wonder-woman… it’s all wonderful!

    As an author I appreciate YCMT as extra income and a way to share my quirky skills with others. As a consumer I appreciate YCMT for the delightful, detailed and inspiring ebooks I’ve purchased and followed!

    Thanks, Kim, for pursuing your vision of YCMT. We all benefit 🙂


  137. Lana C.

    I love You can make this .com….. It gave me the “guts” to make things for my Dear Daughter that I wouldn’t have the courage for otherwise. The ebooks are sooo colorful and make a great jumping off point for other projects. I love that in the skirt instructions I selected, they have the ability to be customized to your own measurements.

    Thanks So much!

  138. Melanie

    I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE Youcanmakethis.com!!!!! I have to limit myself to just a couple of ebooks a month and I always have trouble choosing from all the fabulous ones!! I can’t wait each time I get a new one to try it out. I have so much fun with each new creation. Each book gives me new ideas for creating other things by combining ideas and techniques. I had no idea this site was a mere 1 year old. Happy Birthday! And thanks for a great site!!!!

  139. Alia

    I really love Youcanmakethis.com. I have always been afraid to try patterns because I just can understand them. When I was introduces to youcanmakethis.com it was a great day for me. I was still a little afraid until I looked at the pictures and comments in the I made this section. I love to see what other people are doing with the patterns. congratulations and keep it up

  140. Suzanne

    1–I am guessing Kimberbell Kids for applique
    2– Pouty Princess for Twirl Skirts.

  141. 1.Pouty Princess
    2. kimberbell kids

    I LOVE everything on this site! I love how easy and fun everything is to make. keep up the GREAT work!

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